Showing posts from 2019Show all
Investment plan - advice from wife
C Programming project - how to add advanced feature to get better grade. Google search skill
Ziptopia - biggest children indoor playground in Singapore
Family Friendly Activities in Singapore
scanf ("%c") problem - When I enter a value for one scanf, it skips the second scanf. scanf(" %c)
Interesting Articles for Parenting
Calibre Companion eBook App. What is it? How to install & set up?
Sentosa FunFest 2019 - Movie and Firework at Palawan Green
C coding debugging tip #2: comment out all suspicious code
C# program -  Plotting the graph of trajectory. Projectile. Catapult.
显摆对联 - 大学生 对阵 摩登的扫地大婶
Moon+ Reader for Windows 10 or Mac. Download Moon+ Reader for PC or Mac