C Programming project - how to add advanced feature to get better grade. Google search skill

This video explained to you how to Google for solution.  In this case, I search (Google) for solution for C programming.  The advanced feature I want to add to my programming project are:
1. Character (Text) animation.
2. How to store data in a text file.

Click here to download the C program (text animation) here.

Summary - Google Search Skill

The important tip for searching (Google) Internet for solution is: use important keywords such as "C programming", "C coding".

Next, it is about "animation".  In this case, we need to have reasonable technical knowledge about animation and the capability of C language.  Broadly classified, there are two types of animation:

  • Graphic animation
  • Character animation. 
C program (Ally) is printing character using printf(  ).  Hence, I use the search keyword "character animation".

Finally, after trying several search, the keywords for searching Google is:

  • C programming character animation

When you search (google) the Internet, you have to trial and error.  Use a variation of keywords to get the solution you want.  You need to spend time, have good technical knowledge in order to get the advanced features you want, hence getting better grade 😊

Summary - How to use text file to enhance your C programming project?

As explained in the YouTube, a text file is stored in our computer as a file such as "MyData.txt".
One possible way to improve your project is to allowed user to store their data that type by user.

Example: A program that calculates BMI

For a BMI program, the user types height and weight.  What you can do is to store the data (height and weight) in a text file "MyData.txt".

Then, next time when you run the program, you can write a function to retrieve the data from the text file "MyData.txt".  As a result, your program is more user-friendly, as he does not need to type in his height and weight again.  Exploring along this line, you can do many more fanciful things!

I believe you can do more advanced features with the above examples.  Enjoy coding ! 😊😉

To be continued.

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