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In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (7th Edition) |
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Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library, Singapore |
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- In the Begging: Compelling Evidence for Creation and Flood
This study began unexpectedly in June 1970. I was a Christian, an evolutionist, and a new professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy. I heard surprising claims that Noah’s Ark rested near the 14,000-foot level of Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. If a gigantic boat was ever at that elevation, a huge flood must have occurred. However, the biblical flood was always hard for me to imagine. After all, where could so much water come from? Where did it all go? Every attempt I had heard to answer the first question was shallow at best. Few, if any, ever tried to adequately answer the second.
The following are extracted from the book.

Artists’ drawings, even those based on speculation, powerfully influence the public.
Nebraska man (ape-man)was mistakenly based on one tooth of an extinct pig. Yet in 1922, The Illustrated London News published this picture showing our supposed ancestors. Of course, no fossil evidence could support the image conveyed here of a naked man carrying a club. Click here to read more.
The Universe, the Solar System, the Earth, and Life Were Recently Created. Theories for the Evolution of the Solar System and Universe Are Unscientific and Hopelessly Inadequate.
Is Evolution Compatible with the Bible? Many people, although they may not know the term, are theistic evolutionists; that is, they believe God used evolution to create the universe and everything in it. For some, this is an acceptable compromise—belief in at least some aspects of evolution and belief in God. The first provides scientific respectability, while the second satisfies an inward conviction that there must be a Creator. For these people, evolution is compatible with the Bible. But is it? Since Darwin’s time (mid-late 1800s), many who knew what the Bible said have tried to reinterpret Scripture to make it compatible with the theory of evolution. The fact that there are about twenty theistic evolution theories indicates the general dissatisfaction with each. It also suggests that reconciling evolution with the Bible is not as easy as some claim. You will soon see why.
Why Are Creation and the Flood Important? First, let’s acknowledge why some people reject Genesis and are not willingMany reasons for this reflect attitudes I once held.
- to study how the universe, earth, and life began, and
- to consider the flood, earth’s defining geological event.
In our scientifically “enlightened” age, don’t educated people accept that evolution happened? Most of my teachers and professors, people I greatly respected, accepted evolution. It appeared to me that those who believed in the biblical version of creation did not grasp the immense age of the earth and universe. Given billions of years, vast changes will occur. Don’t we sense great age when we see the Grand Canyon or galaxies that are billions of light-years away? To believe that a worldwide flood actually occurred seemed ridiculous. Just look at a globe. Where could so much water come from to cover, as the Bible clearly states, all the mountains of the earth? Mount Everest rises almost 6 miles above sea level. If that much water once covered the earth, where did all that water go? Obviously, the Bible was written in an age when people were relatively uneducated and little was known about the earth—or so I thought.
Was I curious enough to study origins? No. I thought it was a complex subject and would take too much time. Besides, I felt the case was closed a century ago—certainly after the famous Scopes Trial in 1925. Those who accepted the biblical version of creation and a global flood were a little embarrassing to be around. I became a Christian in high school, but held the above attitudes until my early 30s.
How Do You Respond to Common Claims of Evolutionists?
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Readers' Comments
Walt Brown’s book is the rarest of species: It is the most complete reference work I have encountered on the scientific aspects of the multifaceted subject of origins. At the same time it presents a comprehensive theoretical framework (his hydroplate theory) for reconciling the many seemingly unrelated, and sometimes apparently contradictory, facts that bear on these questions. This book is essential for any teacher or student who is serious about resolving these issues on the basis of the evidences rather than on opinions or unsubstantiated or unverifiable hypotheses.
-Dr. C. Stuart Patterson, former Academic Dean and Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, Furman University
In the Beginning is a great creation science book for teens and adults. It’s easy to read, carefully researched, meticulously documented, and offers answers to the most important questions of the origins controversy. Besides the usual creation-science approach to questions about the historicity of Genesis and what happened to make the dinosaurs extinct, the book is unique in explaining for the first time how twenty-five major earth features—including mountains, volcanoes, the Grand Canyon, and ice ages—resulted from a worldwide flood. At the same time, it reveals serious yet little-known problems with many evolutionist ideas about earth history and the origin of life—including many ideas that evolutionists themselves have discarded, but are still taught as fact in children’s textbooks. You owe it to yourself to get this book.
-Mary Pride’s Big Book of Home Learning, Volume Three, Science Reviews
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